Who will grace this trophy in 2019?
The deadline for the 2018-19 Dandelion Cottage Short Story Contest has now passed, and our judges are busy reading the submissions. One thing is clear—we have some very talented young writers in the U.P. This is the second year of the contest and the momentum is growing. This award is administered by the U.P. Publishers and Authors Association. Below are some stats comparing this year with last year.
- The number of submissions increased by 60%
- The number of participating schools increased by 75%.
- 75% of the schools participating last year participated again this year.
- Grade levels varied from 7th grade to senior in high school.
- 25% of the participants are from middle schools.
- 50% of the participants are from the Keweenaw Peninsula.
- We had no entries east of Gwinn. (Eastern U.P. schools, we know you are out there!)
- We had our first short story from a boy this year. (I know boys can tell stories.)
- We had our first short story from a home-schooler.
- Small schools again dominated, but we did have two larger schools test the water.
- The longest story was 4,450 words and the shortest story was 1,159. Average word count was 2,454.
The Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association would like to thank the many teachers who helped make this contest possible. We could not have pulled this off without the enthusiasm of the teachers at the other end of the contest. If you happen to know any teachers, send an atta-boy/girl in their direction.